Sunday, August 15, 2010

Avery visits her Great Grandfather in Ohio

Avery and I flew to Ohio for 5 days at the beginning of August. Thankfully the days leading up to our trip to, Avery's acid reflux got better and her blocked tear duct opened up. Praise the Lord! After reading about the procedure required if the tear duct doesn't open up (general anesthesia and a probe poked down through the membrane in the duct), I decided really needed to start praying that God would prevent us from going to that. And what do you know, only a few days later and it opened. No more goopy eye! God sure is good!

Avery and I had a wonderful visit with our family up north. She got to meet her great grandpa, her great aunt and her two cousins. She had her fussy moments intermingled with lots of smiles.

Avery meets her great-Papa

Wow! She's amazed at that BIG nose!

Avery and her Great-Aunt Abbey

The many faces of S.K. and Avery!!

Brian and Avery